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Greetings fellow seekers of truth and wisdom!
(and those just looking for cheap thrills on the Internet)

Dundalk, MD 21222

Mujaputtia Umbababbaraba

Mary Isabelle Umbababbaraba
Senior Editor

Poonam Umbababbaraba
Mooj Hotline

Mamaji Umbababbaraba
Mooj Poetry League President

Dr. Virgil Taft
Deputy for Marketing

Tang Ho Lee
Web Developer

Veejay S. Gupta
Sr. Web Developer
& Sys Admin

Jules Vermilion
Naval Attaché

Officer Randall Holmes
Sr. Law Enforcement Advisor

Andrew Coffucci
Minion of the Year

Lance Worthy (RIP?)
Official Mooj Side Kick

H. Franscheska
Community Outreach

Jeffrey Alexander

Alaana Woody

Katishka Punjabeiii

Vic Taylor
Mooj Memory Bank President

































































































































































































































































FYI: I didn't know it then but the night I flew from Oakland to Clark AFB, I met my future in-laws for the first time. One of my best friends at the time was also headed to the Pig that day.  He  lived near enough to Oakland that his whole family came to see him off.  I met them all, with the exception of his younger sister, who was away at college. Seven years later I married her.

Nuke Stuff:

MARF: "MARF" (S7G) was the most unique reactor plant in the world back then.  It was one of 4 training reactors at the NPTU site.  It was a "rodless" reactor that used water tubes to control reactivity.  Rumor had it that Rickover designed MARF to show whoever it was that was cornering the hafnium market that he didn't need hafnium for control rods.  S7G was fitted with rods in the late 1980s.

DIG Ball: Anyone driving onto the NPTU Balston Spa site would notice right away a huge gray ball.  This was the containment vessel that was built around the D1G reactor plant.  On top of this ball was a flashing red light that warned airplanes to stay away.  The locals all seemed to think that whenever this red light was on that the navy was secretly refueling a submarine inside.  I could never figure out how people thought a submarine actually got all the way up to Balston Spa without being noticed.

Nuke NEC: As soon as a nuke successfully completed his training he was assigned an NEC (navy enlisted code).  Nukes were either designated as electrical operators (EMs), mechanical operators (MMs) or reactor operators (ETs).  As long as you weren't "de-nuked" you were eligible to serve and qualify on nuclear ships.  Having a nuke NEC also entitled you to a little extra pay.

The Whole Marcos/Aquino Election Thing In A Nutshell:

In 1972 President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law, which soon became total dictatorial control. His government was riddled with corruption, cronyism and economic mismanagement. When Marcos' main opponent, Benigno Aquino, was assassinated in 1983, opposition to his rule reached unprecedented heights with rioting on the streets of Manila. Marcos called an election in 1986, which both he and his rival, widow Corazon Aquino, claimed to have won. "People Power" won out in the end as tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Manila in a defiant display of support for the popular opposition leader. Within days Marcos and his shoe-fetishist wife Imelda went into comfortable exile in Hawaii.

Source: Time Magazine





First things first!  Humble Minions!  What more can I say?  It is impossible for me to put into words how happy I am this day.  Although The Mooj Weekly Standard may be just one of many newsletters you visit while searching the Internet for jollies, it is my whole life.  Yes, sadly, if it weren't for this portal of personal self-realized collective wisdom dispersion I would have nothing to live for.  Sadly, once I was a rich and prosperous swami, doling wisdom to those lucky enough to pass me on the sidewalk.  But, alas, the years have been unkind and I am now virtually penniless, and scrounging my way from town to town.  

But I have yet to give up! Yes, I go on because you my humble and loyal followers have let it be known that I still have meaning in your lives.  This you prove to me every time you log onto my humble website.  

What good stuff awaits you this week?  The usual.  You know, a bunch of letters that The Mooj feels obligated to answer, a story from one of my humble minions about his first date, another story about love, a poem about a foot, and our good friend and companion Jules Vermilion adds part three to his stirring sea adventure tale.  If I were you I would begin reading this newsletter as soon as possible because I sure am!   


Hey, your mooj page is totally awesome. I was so happy to find it because I am totally insane and this is the kind of stuff I really like to read!  Excuse me now because I have to go and take a dump. Talk to you later.

Terri Palmer,
Medford, OR, U.S.A.

The Mooj thanks you for your insightful email. The Mooj also hopes that you are taking your medication and are getting lots of rest, wherever it is they are keeping you locked up.

Hey Good Buddy, 

I just want to say that it was a pleasure to meet you at that truck stop near Clinton, Indiana last week. It was very comforting to sit and jabber jaw with you for a few hours. You're a pretty funny guy.  Normally I don’t talk to strangers when I’m on the road, especially when they look as haggard and worn down as you did. When I got home after finishing my run to Chi-Town I checked out your website and thought it was okay. I’m not really into all that fruity new age stuff so I doubt I look at it again. I used to be in the navy so I liked that Jules Vermilion story though. I also read that poem that you said was full of deep meaning. Well, I ain’t no Shakespeare so I couldn’t tell you what it meant. If you ask me it looked like that Asmus kid just took a Samuel Greenberg poem and interlaced it within a Led Zeppelin song.

Tony Presley,
Zion, IL

Thank you for your kind words Mr. Presley. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope we meet again. In fact, if you send me your address and some bus fare I’ll make it happen.

Dear Mooj,

I had a crush on this guy at work and thought that he would never ask me out. Well he finally did. For our date he took me to a restaurant in Jack London Square (in Oakland).  As we were outside waiting for a table a deaf man came up and handed us a little paper flag and a card that said he was deaf and dumb and that he was selling American flags to help other deaf and dumb homeless people like himself. This guy handed cards and flags to everyone standing there and then came back to collect money. Everyone gave this poor man some money except my date.  He told the poor homeless man to get lost and then threw the guy's card and flag on the ground and stomped on them. He then said loud enough for everyone to hear: "It’s a scam!  This guy ain’t really deaf!" To prove his point he then began hurling insults at the deaf guy from behind his back. The deaf guy turned around but I think it was because all the people in front of him were looking so shocked at what my date was saying. Anyway, I was so embarrassed and I realized that maybe this guy is really an idiot and I shouldn’t see him again. But he’s really, really cute! Please tell me what to do Mooj. I trust your judgment and will abide by your wishes.

Danielle Miller,
Hayward, CA

Yours is a grisly memento mori, Miss Miller.  I think you know what should be done so dump the chump ASAP.  Even if the deaf guy was pulling a fast one (which he obviously was) no one should have to be subjected to that sort of ridicule.  [Note to self:  This "deaf and dumb" scam sounds like a pretty good way to raise some traveling money.]


For over 45 years now I have been hiding a shameful secret. It was something I did on Halloween night back in 1956. We were just kids then—stupid kids I tell you. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into when my pal Ben Tucker suggested that we dig up a body at the local graveyard and then hide it in the trunk of Mr. Willowby’s car. (Mr. Willowby was our high school principal.) 

Every year the seniors at our high school pulled a Halloween prank and when it was our turn we really wanted to make history. So on Halloween night at about 9:30 p.m. several seniors (including myself) met at the Shady Grove Cemetery to dig up a body. When everyone was there Ben Tucker told us that he read in the obituaries that a man named O’ Flarity was buried a few days before and that he would probably be the freshest body in the cemetery. Ben Tucker then ordered us to fan out and look for the guy.

Within a few minutes Sean McCormick found the fresh mound and summoned the rest of us over to it. At first I didn’t think we were really going to dig up a body. Shady Grove Cemetery was a spooky place at night and it was kind of a rite of passage in my little town to get the cemetery night watchman to chase you around a bit. Oddly, there was no night watchman at Shady Grove on that dreadful night. Far off in the distance I heard the town curfew whistle go off. It was now 10:00. Being out after curfew—not to mention in a cemetery on Halloween night—made me feel very uneasy.

Several of the boys had brought along shovels and they began taking turns stabbing at the mound covering Mr. O’ Flarity’s body. How far will this gag go? I wondered. The others must have been thinking the same thing since no one was really making much of an effort to remove dirt from the top of poor old Mr. O’ Flarity’s grave. Finally Ben Tucker grabbed a shovel and told us to all step aside. He then began digging vigorously into the fresh dirt. It was then that I realized that Ben Tucker was serious.

"Ain’t this going a bit too far?" I finally asked.

"Yeah, Tuck….., we ain’t really gonna dig this old guy up are we?" added Mel Renolds.

"Yeah, this is kinda creepy, you know?" added Jim Taylor.

"What are you guys chicken?" said Ben.

"No I ain’t chicken," said Jim, "I just didn’t think we were really gonna do this."

"Well hell Jim, why are we here then? Don’t tell me you’re chicken?" said Ben.

Ben kept digging while the rest of us just stood there watching. Finally Ben struck the top of Mr. O’ Flarity’s casket and my heart stopped. I knew better than to mess with the dead and now I was sure that we were doing something that was totally sacrilegious.

"Gimme a hand," Yelled Ben when he finally uncovered the top of the casket. Tim Robberts then handed Ben a lantern and we all looked down into the hole. By then Ben had pried open the top of the casket and we all saw the dead face of poor Mr. O’ Flarity. That’s when I started to get really nervous. "This was bad—really bad," I thought and I couldn’t believe we were actually doing something so evil. Ben then lifted the body out of the casket and told the others to help him drag it out of the hole. Then Ben and three others lugged the dead guy all the way to Mel Renold’s car, which was parked near the cemetery gate. When they reached the car Mel popped open the trunk and the boys threw the body inside. Then Ben ordered everyone to follow him to old man Willowby’s house to finish the job. I had driven down to the cemetery with Jim Taylor and decided to go in his car with Sean McCormick. The others all piled into Mel’s car.

"Jim, take me home I don’t want anymore to do with this," I finally said as we drove south along the old cemetery road. Sean McCormick also asked to be taken home and then Jim confided in us that he was just going to go home himself. None of us wanted anything more to do with this sordid business. It was about 3:00 a.m. by the time I got home.

At school the next day I met Jim Taylor and Sean McCormick by the senior lockers and we waited for the others to show up but nobody came. When the first period bell rang we began to sense that something terrible must have happened the night before. Later in the morning Mr. Willowby called an emergency assembly and the whole school was asked to report to the gym. It was then that Mr. Willowby reported that several boys from school had been killed the night before in a terrible accident. Somehow Mel Renold’s old jalopy had run off the road and hit a tree. Mr. Willowby said it all sounded very suspicious but didn’t say anything about them finding a dead body in the trunk. 

That evening the local paper had a huge front page story about the Halloween night tragedy and speculation was made that the dead boys found in Mel’s car were somehow mixed up with a grave that had been mysteriously dug up at the Shady Grove Cemetery. The paper noted that "the grave of a Mr. Edwin O’ Flarity had been dug up but that the body was still inside the casket." It was then that I realized that somehow the dead Mr. O’ Flarity was responsible for the accident and somehow he got himself back to his grave and climbed into his casket again. 

Jim, Sean and I swore to each other that we would never utter a word about what really happened that night and we have all been true to our word since. The reason I am finally breaking my vow of silence is that both Jim and Sean have now passed away and I feel that I owe it to my brother and sister minions to let them know what I have done. May God forgive me!


Gadzooks!  The Mooj is shocked by your alarming and preposterous confession.  But at the same time I admire your willingness to seek forgiveness for your crime against humanity. That was some serious mischief you and your fellow chums got into that night but I guess it’s all just part of growing up. Actually, now that I think back on my days at Raweigh High (or was it Raweigh Junior High…or maybe it was Raweigh Elementary) I recall pulling a few gags, myself, on the school principal. Ha! I can still see the pained expression on poor Mr. Liscombe’s face when I blew up his car and, er, …… actually I better not say anymore since Mr. Liscombe might be reading this newsletter.

Dear Mr. Umbababbaraba,

The York County Sheriff’s Department is currently investigating a hate crime that occurred on November 16, 2000 in the peaceful village of Fawn Grove, PA. This crime involved a Tastykakes deliveryman, a bicyclist and a case of Tastykake pies. An anonymous call to our crime stopper hotline has indicated that you may be useful in finding and convicting the person responsible for this heinous act. Our Chester County law enforcement brothers have advised us that you are a registered deadbeat and will prove to be unreliable but we believe otherwise. If you can assist us in anyway we will see to it that you are commended in writing, which may or may not help you achieve early parole when you are eventually caught and returned to Chester County Jail to serve out the remainder of your sentence.

Be safe and buckle up!
Deputy Ronald Ruben

Yes, I am somewhat familiar with the episode you are referring to and it is very likely that one of my minions may have played a minor role in inserting one or more of those pies up that poor Tastykake deliveryman’s posterior annulus. However, because I don’t keep records of my activities or correspondence (for tax reasons) I cannot tell you who it was or where that person lives. There is, however, a cub reporter working for the Washington Post that may know more about this than I do. I think he did some kind of investigation on this crime.  However, this cub reporter is anonymous and will not reveal his true identity to me (or others) for fear that he will be shunned by his fellow left-leaning journalist buddies for aiding and abetting a known holy man. I suggest you pay a visit to The Washington Post offices and look for someone who has a giant map of America [with a bunch of thumbtacks stuck in it forming a path of my humble wanderings] hanging up in his office. Good luck finding this wicked bicyclist. People like that give Moojism a bad name!

El Mo-aj,

Is there any reason in particular that you seem obsessed with bodily functions? Just about every Mooj newsletter mentions something about a bowel movement. As an example, half of the testimonials listed on your Mooj.com index page on why "Moojism is so important to people" involve someone who has crapped themselves (or done something along those lines). Is it just me or are there others out there that see it too? Just wondering.

Colby Schick, a.k.a. "The Schickster,"
San Xavier Indian Reservation, AZ

The Mooj has no idea what this person is talking about.  But, I will defend the literary content of this and other Mooj publications and say that we here at Mooj.com are not afraid to print things that some people find offensive.  (Heck, isn't that kind of what Moojism is all about?)


My ex-girlfriend treated me really badly and then dumped me. But since then I won millions of dollars in the Georgia State Lottery and she is after me again. Before she dumped me we had been dating for six years. I had even asked her to marry me once. At first things were great between us but then she turned mean and found every reason to criticize me. In the end she dumped me, saying that I wasn’t man enough to satisfy her needs. Then I was devastated to find out that behind my back she’d been sleeping around with all the guys at my work, including my brother Barry. Since then I’ve moved on. Now that I’m a multi-millionaire I want to see the world but now my ex wants me back. I really love her and I am tempted. On the other hand, I can't get out of my head how much she hurt me. What would you do if you were me?

Theo Grey,
Trion, GA

I’ll tell you what I’d do, I’d sit down and write a nice big fat check out to my favorite Swami—that’s what I would do! After that I’d take off and see the world and forget about this evil woman. She sounds like nothing but trouble. If you go to France or England, stay away from farm animals or you might get that Hoof in Mouth disease.

Dear Mooj,

I'm getting married-Married? Yes, married in two weeks and I'm having several dilemmas. One, I don't have enough clean panties for the 6-day honeymoon. And two, I'm worried about my cousin Phil. Actually, it used to be Jill, so you can imagine my problem. I wanted her to be a bridesmaid but she's really mid-stream in her process (still has a lot of growth). Should she be able to bring both her boyfriend and her girlfriend? (It's a spendy reception). Does she go for the garter or the bouquet?

Sandy in Wilmington

The Mooj is really stumped by this one. I used to think I had all the answers but I guess I really don’t.

Hey Mudge!!!! Dude!!!! What are you doing? Heh, Heh, Heh! Remember me? You know, your old "Love Doll"? I've been waiting for you to come and get me. You didn't forget me did you? Naw, you wouldn’t forget me. Not you....., the guy that remembers everything. Like my birthday that was last week. I'm sure your card just got lost in the mail. You know Christmas should be celebrated everyday and that's why it doesn't really matter that your present hasn't come yet. I can hardly wait to see you! We have a lot of catching up to do. My therapist says I don't have to wear the muzzle all the time any more. Just around people. I love you Mudge! I can hardly wait to sink my teeth.... I mean see you again!

Benton Hurst Asylum for the Criminally Insane

Oh great. Another lunatic has gleaned my email address from an unreliable source and is trying to make contact with me. Oh well, I guess that’s just what being The Mooj is all about: helping people—people who need people.

Dear Mooj,

Whooooo are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?
Whooooo are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?
I'd really like to know, I'd really like to knoooooow
Who the hell are you????

I’m The Mooj. Who are you?

Hey Mooj, guess what I gave up for Lent? Going to Mass—ha! Hey, the other day I was sitting in Mass and I heard the lector read a letter from St. Paul to the Philippines. Wow, that’s amazing that back in 50 a.d. that some guy in Rome could get a letter all the way to the Philippines! It must have taken months or even years! Ha! Anyway, I got a million of them. Ha!

The Irish Jokester
County Cork, IRE

It looks like our favorite Irish comedian from County Cork has blessed us once again with his Gaelic humor. It’s been a while since we heard from this fellow. I’m glad to see he’s as funny as he always is.


Poetry Con Carne


Are you in the mood for a genuine Mooj poem?  Well, too bad because I didn't write one.  But you won't go poem-less.  Nope.  One of your loyal minion brothers (or sisters), who wishes to remain anonymous (for good reason) has sent forth a poem that rings of marginal talent.  It's called....      

This, My Foot

This my foot I give to thee

Have a look and you will see,

It is a foot, so honest and true

A foot that I have saved for you.

On it I have walked, danced and stood,

I’ve washed, socked it, and shod it good

This I’ve done just for you

Take my foot and then take me too.

Mooj Note:  This poem makes absolutely no sense to me, whatsoever.  I think the "foot" is supposed to be a metaphor for something else but what that thing is I have no idea.


Hot Damn, It's a Personal True Life Story by Mooj Minion 558!


My First Date 

I began getting ready for my hot date about three. For this special occasion I put on my navy blue Angel’s Flight pants and a Hawaiian print OP shirt (that belonged to my mom’s boyfriend Boyd). Boyd was over and he helped get my hair blow-dried and all. 

At 5:00 sharp my best friend Ron’s girlfriend Laura came by and picked me up. She was the one who fixed me up on the blind date with her friend Robin. As we drove over to where Ron was working Laura coached me on what to do and say. She also kept telling me that Robin was a nice girl and that I would really like her. 

After we picked Ron up we went back to Laura’s house, where Ron changed. Then the three of us drove to Robin’s house. I was a nervous wreck by then and began to chicken out. Ron kept reassuring me and told me to act cool. When Robin answered the door I was floored—she was gorgeous! In the picture that Laura had shown me before she looked "okay," maybe a bit cute—but in real life she was gorgeous. She was wearing tight red painter’s pants (popular at the time) and a yellowish jersey. She had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. 

After meeting her mom the four of us then drove to Balboa Island to rent a sailboat. The whole way there I was too scared to say anything and Robin, Laura and Ron just made small talk. When we arrived at the marina the boat place was closed. As Ron and I walked back to get his car (a 1968 Firebird) we tried to figure out what to do next. Ron thought Disneyland would be a good idea but the girls nixed the idea when we presented to them after we returned to pick them up. 

We next went someplace to eat dinner (it wasn't Denny's but it was along those lines). It was in the parking lot of the restaurant that Ron finally gave me the "put your arm around her" signal. I was scared to death at first but finally did it as we got to the door. Robin didn’t seem to react one way or another (i.e., she didn’t get closer or pull away). 

While we were all sitting at the table Robin and Laura excused themselves and went to the lady’s room. When they returned Laura signaled Ron and they went off together. Then Ron returned to the table and signaled me to follow him to the restroom. It was there that Ron told me that Robin told Laura that she had a boyfriend. By that time it was almost a blessing since I was insane with fear over how I was going to try and kiss her since I had so much trouble just trying to work up the nerve to put my arm around her. 

Finally, we ordered dinner and Ron and I had shrimp and the girls had soup and salad. The check came to $17.50. After dinner we went miniature golfing and things didn’t improve much. In fact, Laura was actually getting peeved at Ron because he was flirting with Robin. I just bided my time and wished the horror would end.

Perhaps the thing that turned me on the most about Robin was that she smoked! Back when you were 15 that kind of stuff was cool. 

On the way home I sat in the back with Robin and we said nothing to each other. Laura was mad at Ron so she, too, was quiet and Ron—the charmer that he was—joked freely and suggestively with Robin. When we arrived at my house I exited the car, said good night to all, including my date, and then ran home and locked myself in my room.



Hot Damn, It's Another Personal True Life Story by Mike Babbit, Mooj Minion 667!


My First True Love 

I thought I would share a love story with you and your readers. Maybe it will serve as inspiration to all my brother minions out there, who don’t think they have what it takes to win the girl of their dreams. 

Back when I was 14 years old I had this huge crush on Sheila Patterson. She sat right in front of me in English class and I was always staring at the back of her head. She was so beautiful that I dreamed about her almost everyday. Sheila took the same bus home from school that I did. Normally she would sit with Kathy Miller so if I were lucky I could grab the seat right behind Kathy before Sheila got on and then watch her as she walked up the aisle. I used to picture Sheila in a wedding dress and pretend that she was walking up the aisle of church to marry me. 

One day I overheard Sheila tell Cathy that she was going to the mall after school to get new gym shoes. As soon as I got home I jumped on my bike and head for the mall. As soon as I got there I staked out the best spot and waited for her. About half an hour later I saw her coming through the main entrance and up the escalator. I had no idea what I was going to do or say but I knew it was now or never and so I made my move. 

When she was a few yards away I grabbed my chest and started to make groaning sounds. (I couldn’t think of anything else to do.) She ran over and grabbed me as I fell to the ground. She asked me if I was okay but I ignored her and pretended to be dying. Others began to crowd around and Sheila held my head in her lap as I continued to make gurgling noises. As she stroked my head with her soft gentle hands I uttered as faintly as I could: "Please….help…..I need …..mouth to mouth resuscitation." Sheila then pinched my nose and began to blow into my mouth. After a few precious moments I pretended to regain consciousness and sat up. The crowd began to disperse and Sheila helped me to my feet. Off in the distance I saw a mall cop and a guy that looked like a paramedic coming so I told Sheila to follow me. She and I then ran to the food court and hid in the service corridor behind the Hot Dog On A Stick and Orange Julius.

"Are you okay," Sheila finally asked, "Shouldn’t you let the paramedic guy look at you?"

"No, I can’t," I told her, "I’m too embarrassed and I think I’m okay now."

I then told Sheila that she had saved my life and that I wanted to repay her by buying her a hot dog at Hot Dog On A Stick. She seemed puzzled by the whole ordeal but accepted my offer. As we sat at our little food court table to eat our hot dogs I made up this story about being allergic to bee stings and told her that I probably got stung and that was what caused me to have my near-death reaction. She thought it plausible and said that she was glad she had taken CPR in summer school the year before. When we were done eating she told me she had to go because she needed to get home in time to watch her little sister before her mom went to work. I told her that I needed to go too because I had to get new gym shoes. She then said that she, too, needed new gym shoes and so we went to Foot Locker together. 

At Foot Locker I spent $25 on a new pair of Nikes (even though I had a new pair sitting at home just like them). Before I bought them, though, I tried on a few pairs and had Sheila tell me which ones she thought looked the coolest. I then did the same for her when she bought her Vans. Afterwards I asked her if she would mind going to Miller’s Outpost with me to help me pick out a shirt for our school pictures. I had about $24 left from my birthday money and used $22 of that to buy the shirt Sheila picked out (which, incidentally, was one that I already had). As we were walking toward the mall exit we passed The Kingdom of Oz Video Arcade and I showed her that I still had $2 in my pocket and challenged her to a game of Missile Command. She accepted. 

Then, sadly, she was late and had to get going. I walked her home and then had to run all the way back to the mall to get my bike. I may have failed at everything else I’ve done in my life but on that day I got Sheila Patterson to like me. Believe it or not Sheila and I got married in 1989.

Is There a Mooj Minion Number in Your Future?  There Is If You Click Here!


Only three measly minion applications?  Sad but true.  Read on and you'll meet the newest members of the Mooj tribe.  Two out of the three actually sound quite promising.
Meet Minion 1263: Chuck Grape
Something Noteworthy About Chuck: Chuck is a software engineer from Barstow, CA.  He claims that he only wears clothes from Chess King and has a tattoo of a panther on his shoulder. 
This Person's Minion Application Essay (Abstract):  I can't think of anything clever to write.  Please forgive me and allow me to enter your prestigious affiliation anyway.  
Meet Minion 1264: Cindy Austin Goldberg
Something Noteworthy About Cindy: Cindy lives in Carthage, TX and works at a Circle K store.  She is married and has six children (ages 9, 7, 6, 5, 3 and 1).  Cindy believes in love at first sight and claims that that is how she fell in love with her husband Jeff, who is stationed in Saudi Arabia. 
This Person's Minion Application Essay (Abstract):  I am now almost 30 years old and feel that I have wasted the best years of my life.  I was born and raised here in Carthage and I have never been farther away that 30 miles. I long to see the world.  When I was in high school I dreamed about going to Hollywood and becoming a star.  Most of my friends say that because I look and talk just like Anna Nicole Smith that I would have been a natural. Don't get me wrong I like being me, it's just that...well, maybe someday I'd just like be somebody else.  In the meantime being a Mooj minion would make me feel like a star so how about it?
Meet Minion 1265: Denise Torres
Something Noteworthy About Denise: Denise is 21 and lives in Oceana, CA.  She is a student at Cuesta College.  She is studying criminal justice and hopes to someday work in law enforcement.
This Person's Minion Application Essay (Abstract):  I send you hugs. Lots of them.


From The Logs of Jules Vermilion....

Humble Minions.... More Jules Vermilion navy adventures you ask?  Sure, why not.  I got nothing else to add to this newsletter that might otherwise improve it so I figure Jules might as well add a few of his yarns to spice things up.  Jules told me that this particular episode is about his first time ever in the PI.  

Part 3 in a Series of 58



Part 3: Aim High Olongapo!

On January 8, 1986 Nuclear Power Training Unit (NPTU) Balston Spa, MARF Class 8502, was mustered for the very last time. Those of us lucky enough to survive Nuclear Power School and then the additional six months of grueling prototype training were officially awarded nuke NECs and given orders to the fleet. Then to add some hilarity to the otherwise solemn ceremony, those stupid enough to do so then stepped forward and re-enlisted for $30,000 and immediate advancement to E-5. 

As I mentioned before most of us getting our orders that day were being sent to the USS Enterprise. Many of my classmates were puzzled by these orders (some were even outraged) because the vast majority of nukes in my class were sub volunteers. I, however, was delighted with my orders since I got exactly what I asked for—a West Coast surface ship (albeit a carrier not a cruiser). We Enterprise-bound sailors didn’t know it then but we were extremely fortunate because there were just too many of us arriving on the Pig at one time to be of any use to anyone. All of us—to a man—would literally skate for months before anyone even noticed that we were even there. As a result westpac 1986 was pretty much a pleasure cruise for us until we finally had to qualify BNEQ and join our real divisions. 

As soon as the NPTU graduation / re-enlistment ceremony was over I jumped into my fully loaded ’77 Pontiac Lemans and headed west. I had 30 days of leave to use up and I wanted to spend as much of it as I could in my hometown of LA. I’ll never forget how happy I was too see that giant "DIG" ball in my rearview mirror for the last time.

On 12 January, 1986 I was probably somewhere near Terre Haute, Indiana when The Enterprise departed NAS Alameda, California and begin her 12th official deployment. Seventeen days later she steamed into Pearl Harbor and spent four days loading supplies and weapons (and probably the airwing). Most of us know exactly where we were on that day [that The Enterprise sailed into Hawaii] because it was the day that The Challenger blew up.

On February 20 my leave officially expired and I flew from LA to Oakland with Kevin Kidder and Joe Carl, two of my Enterprise-bound MARF classmates also taking leave in southern California. By then The Enterprise had been in Subic Bay for three days. On the night of February 21 I met dozens of my MARF classmates at the Oakland International Airport, and together we boarded a Flying Tigers 747 headed to Clark AFB in the Philippines (via Anchorage, Alaska and Kadena AFB). Since it was the dead of winter each one of us showed up at the airport wearing our dress blue uniforms. That is except for Biff Shiver, who was wearing casual summer whites. I remember we all thought he was an idiot until he informed us that he called and found out that in the "tropical" Philippines, summer whites were the uniform of the day all year round.  (He was right.  When we arrived in the Philippines 18 hours later we looked like fools in our winter wool uniforms when it was so hot and humid outside.)

At that exact moment in time a revolution broke out in the Philippines because the defeated Ferdinand Marcos tried to steal the presidential election from Corazon Aquino. When we arrived at Clark AFB, martial law had been declared by Marcos and we were literally stranded at the air terminal because no one was brave enough to drive us to Subic Bay. I remember we were all sitting in a navy bus listening to the radio when the music was abruptly silenced and rebels announced that they had taken over the radio station. We kept flipping the dial hoping to find something good to listen to but every time we found something we liked another rebel group showed up and took over that radio station as well. Finally a driver arrived that knew a "back way" to Subic and decided to go for it. He then drove us along some of the most scenic and desolate roads I had ever seen. Today, whenever I drive through Lancaster County, PA and some Amish farmer is burning something in his fields I am reminded of that drive because of the way PI smelled that particular day. 

As we drove along through tiny villages I remember seeing many soldiers standing around and wondering if they were friendly or unfriendly toward Americans. Most of us were worried since we were pretty much sitting ducks if they were anti-American. Finally we arrived at Subic Bay and the base was "locked down." No one could leave or enter the base but somehow, and I don’t know how, the bus driver was able to get us onto the base.

When the driver arrived at the pier where the Enterprise was supposed to be, it was gone. Because of the political situation in the Philippines The Enterprise was ordered out to sea a few hours earlier. We were ordered by the beach detachment to check into the Subic Bay TPU and then show up at Cubi Point, NAS early the next morning. By the time we were all checked into TPU news began spreading that Marcos had been exiled and the revolution was over.  Shortly thereafter the base lock down was lifted and the gates were opened. Most of us were exhausted (I personally had not slept in 2 days) but the allure of finally seeing Olongapo (after all we had heard about it) was more important than sleeping. Like fools we changed into our civilian clothes and ran for the main gate. Just about everyone we met along the way warned us not to leave the base but we did so anyway. As soon as we passed through the main gate we saw with our very own eyes the wonderland known to all Pacific fleet sailors as Olongapo City. Although none of us had ever been there before we knew this place inside and out from all the sea stories we had heard.  But there was something eerie about Olongapo that day—it was quiet. Too quiet.  With the exception of one person (that person being MTW) we turned around and returned to the base.

The next morning we all mustered at the crack of dawn and began our odyssey of trying to get to the Pig. (Although she was only a few miles away, this would become a major ordeal.)  As we stood at muster that morning someone noticed that MTW was missing. We had no idea what happened to him and wondered if he made it back to the base alive. (He did, but he had one hell of a tale to tell.)

(to be continued next week)


Well, That's It Folks.......

I hope you enjoyed this week's edition of The Mooj Weekly Standard and that you'll come back for more.  I certainly will!  Best of luck to all.    


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