Okay…, so who the hell is this "Mooj" guy and why is he hosting this web site?

Many visitors to The Official Web Site of Reactor and Engineering Department are confused as to why this site is affiliated with a fugitive New Age Swami. The truth is that it’s all part of an elaborate joke (gone bad).

It all started when a coworker pal of mine was desperately trying to find qualified personnel for his multi-million dollar project. The positions were extremely hard to fill because they required people with very unique backgrounds (they had to be trained in engineering, programming, and probabilistic risk assessment). As an April Fool’s joke I sent my friend a "fake resume" from a person calling himself "Mujaputtia Umbababbaraba" (I made the name up on the spot). This "Mujaputtia Umbababbaraba" guy was perfect for the job (he had a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering, had published several journal articles on relevant topics, had chaired many oversight committees, and was basically an all around swell guy). My friend couldn’t believe his great luck as he read through the resume…. until he got to the end and it said:

"If you would like to interview this person, please contact the Chester County, PA Department of Corrections and this prisoner will be transported to your facility under armed guard. If you choose to hire this person you must assume full responsibility for his parole and subsequent restitution."

For whatever reason this coworker pal of mine didn’t realize that the resume was a joke and, thus, I felt obliged to harass him further. This "Mujaputtia Umbababbaraba" person (by then I was just calling him "The Mooj") then began sending him "extremely obvious" scam letters appealing for money (cash only...to be sent to him at the Chester County Jail).  (See the April 28, 1999 Mooj Newsletter for examples of these blatantly bogus schemes.)  By then other friends and family members were being sent these prank emails as well.  Sadly, no one seemed to "get the joke" or realize that it was I and most—including my dear sweet mother—threatened "The Mooj" with bodily harm if he didn't stop harassing them. But I couldn’t help myself; I felt that given enough time people would realize it was all a joke.  My emails soon grew into weekly newsletters and soon there was a "Mooj" web site.  (The original site was hosted on Fortunecity.com until I was kicked off due to all the complaints waged against me.)  By April 1999 The Mooj had gained marginal popularity (i.e., people knew it was a joke and began regularly contributing to the newsletter) so I decided to buy the domain name "mooj.com" and begin the expensive and laborious task of hosting the official Mooj web site. That was about three years ago and Mooj.com is still around.

When I started this Official Web Site of Reactor and Engineering Department in March of 2001 I was basically too cheap to buy another domain name and figured that most of you wouldn’t care that it was hosted under the Mooj.com domain.

So go ahead and read the latest Mooj Weekly Standard and feel free to sift through all the archived newsletters.  These newsletters are basically my personal ranting and ravings and serve no useful purpose whatsoever.  Most of the "Mooj Mail" I receive is legitimate and I have hundreds of loyal followers.  I can't for the life of me figure out why people think this "Mooj" guy is real (or think that he can really help them with their problems).  So go out and spread the word!  Get your friends and loved ones hooked on The MoojThey'll love you all the more for it!

Some people have asked me recently about the original Mooj Weekly Standard issues. I deleted them from my archives so that the newer "Enlightenment" could be 'revised.' For those looking for a listing of the original files can find them here:


The Mooj Weekly Standard Archives
April 19, 1999 Newsletter
April 28, 1999 Newsletter
May 2, 1999 Newsletter
May 10, 1999 Newsletter
May 17, 1999 Newsletter
May 24, 1999 Newsletter
June 1, 1999 Newsletter
June 7, 1999 Newsletter
June 14, 1999 Newsletter
June 21, 1999 Newsletter
June 28, 1999 Newsletter
July 4, 1999 Newsletter
July 14, 1999 Newsletter
July 21, 1999 Newsletter
July 30, 1999 Newsletter
August 6, 1999 Newsletter
August 12, 1999 Newsletter
August 18, 1999 Newsletter
August 25, 1999 Newsletter
September 1, 1999 Newsletter
September 8, 1999 Newsletter
September 15, 1999 Newsletter
September 23, 1999 Newsletter
September 30, 1999 Newsletter
October 5, 1999 Newsletter
October 12, 1999 Newsletter
October 20, 1999 Newsletter
October 31, 1999 Newsletter
November 5, 1999 Newsletter
November 15, 1999 Newsletter
November 20, 1999 Newsletter
December 1, 1999 Newsletter
December 10, 1999 Newsletter
December 20, 1999 Newsletter
December 31, 1999 Newsletter
January 4, 2000 Newsletter
January 14, 2000 Newsletter
January 24, 2000 Newsletter
February 3, 2000 Newsletter
February 13, 2000 Newsletter
February 23, 2000 Newsletter
March 10, 2000 Newsletter
March 23, 2000 Newsletter
April 1, 2000 Newsletter
April 29, 2000 Newsletter
May 21, 2000 Newsletter   June 15, 2000 Newsletter   June 30, 2000 Newsletter July 20, 2000 Newsletter July 30, 2000 Newsletter August 15, 2000 Newsletter August 30, 2000 Newsletter September 16, 2000 Newsletter September 26, 2000 Newsletter October 10, 2000 Newsletter October 15, 2000 Newsletter November 10, 2000 Newsletter December 11, 2000 Newsletter January 11, 2001 Newsletter
February 1, 2001 Newsletter
February 28, 2001 Newsletter March 22, 2001 Newsletter

April 22, 2001 Newsletter

May 25, 2001 Newsletter

June 30, 2001 Newsletter

July 25, 2001 Newsletter

September 10, 2001 Newsletter

October 22, 2001 Newsletter

November 5, 2001 Newsletter

November 25, 2001 Newsletter

December 2, 2001 Newsletter

December 29, 2001 Newsletter

January 25, 2002 Newsletter

March 1, 2002 Newsletter

April 19, 2002 Newsletter

June 17, 2002 Newsletter

July 10, 2002 Newsletter

August 21, 2002 Newsletter

October 10, 2002 Newsletter