Hey kids.....it's that time of year again to bug your parents about Mooj Self Realization Summer Camp!  Details coming later this month - first, however, we have to clear up a few legal matters that never got resolved after last year's tragedy.  I suspect that this year we'll have to soften our hazing policy and reduce other forms of ritual punishment.
Written and Edited by Mujaputtia Umbababbaraba (Simply, The Happiest Man on Earth, Kinda like Buddha)
The Mooj Weekly Standard is published semi-weekly by The Friends of Mooj Society, West Chester, PA.  All material published in The Mooj Weekly Standard is the intellectual property of The Mooj and may not be reproduced in any manner, shape or form without the expressed written consent of The Mooj or one of his non-paid interns.  The Mooj cannot put into words how happy he is that you have chosen him as your spiritual guide; I only wish that I could reach out there and hug you all right now! 

Greetings Mooj Heads! Once again we join together in a celebration of self realization and forward thinking.  Many of you noted last week that I promised some things that I never delivered.  This week I'll try again but don't count on anything since I haven't really got the time or energy to do much.  Sooner or later we'll get caught up here at The Mooj Weekly Standard and things will get back on track as far as wisdom gathering goes.  The truth be told, now that I'm no longer in jail I don't really have much time to sit around and write all day like I used to.

Many of my beloved minions have begun to point out that The Mooj Weekly Standard isn't exactly "weekly" anymore.  This is probably due to the fact that my newsletter now appears every 10 - 14 days instead of weekly.  Sooner or later we'll get back on track and publish on time again.  The sorry truth is that I'm lazy, have incompetent side-kicks and can't seem to find a non-paid intern that's worth a damn.  

On a related topic many of my long-time detractors are also pointing out that The Mooj Weekly Standard readership is at an all time low.  A few years ago The Mooj Weekly Standard had nearly two thousand paid subscribers.  Now I'm lucky if I can get 150 wayward people to stop by and visit.  Does this bother The Mooj.  Nope, The Mooj is too spiritual to worry about worldly things like success and fame.


"The Mooj Mailbag" 
    What would The Mooj Weekly Standard be without minion mail?  (Probably something a little less vile.)  Anyway, I got lots of complaints last week for editing out the really sick and perverted stuff so I guess I'll leave that kind of stuff in this week.  If you offend easy then I don't know what to tell you.   

    Hey Mooj, 

    I think things have gone a little crazy between us.  Sure, we are in the midst of a losing season and that may play into it some, but nonetheless our relationship should not suffer. I'm expressing an official Predators style apology. Although your poems may have rocked the boat a little, the team’s lack of appreciation was not deserved.  After all, bad press is better than no press, right?  How about we come up with a compromise: You continue to write your lovely poetry and we will actually put something on our jerseys in your honor, like: "The Mooj eats peanuts from Jimmy's ass, while washing it down with the sweat off his balls." 

    Your pal, 
    Cory S. 
    Forward for the Predators 

    Gee Cory, The Mooj isn't sure whether your letter is meant to be complimentary or mean spirited.  Either way I don't care, The Mooj gladly accepts your offer and will resume his duties as the official Predator's team poet.  In fact, just to show you how forgiving I am I shall devote a small portion of this week's Poetry Corner to you and your noble teammates without mentioning anything about how you wear earrings in both ears and dress up in a Bananarama jump suit whenever no one else is around.  (Hey, if you don't want to tell I certainly won't ask.)  


    My wife has suddenly started dressing really sexy for work and I fear that she might be having an affair at the office.  I'm in my fifties and my wife is 12 years younger—and really good looking.  We are both Capricorns and have been married for six years.  My two previous marriages ended because my wives were unfaithful.  Needless-to-say, I'm now very leery when I see my present wife going off to work wearing sexy lingerie, hip boots and rubber pantsuits.  What do you think oh Great Mooj, should I be worried? 

    G. M. Harris 
    Richland, WA 

    G. M., The Mooj detects no hanky-panky on the part of your wife (at work anyway).  I would, however, suggest that you delay your business trip to Denver next week until after the rodeo leaves town.        

    Dear Mooj, 

    Did you know that the parts for a Mr. Potato Head are stored in his BUTT?  What are we trying to teach our children when we purchase these kind of toys?  I suggest that Mooj minions out there boycott this toy.  By the way, Mr. Potato Head looks a lot like my boss. 

    Scotty O'Malley 
    Pocatello, ID 

    Thanks Scotty for what I assume is a heart-felt letter.  I'm glad to see you are so pro-active when it comes to your kids.  I personally wouldn't sweat the little things as far as the toys go since your children are probably already perusing Internet porn and making bombs in your basement (er, at least that's what my psychic senses tell me anyway).  


    Pogue Mahone you greasy Uzbekistani-Punjabi bastard! 

    Paddy O' Keats 
    The Gaelic Versifier 

    Thanks Paddy, and a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too. 


    Like many of my fellow Americans I am expressing outrage over the level of detailed personal questions I am being asked on my 2000 Census form.  Like millions of others I shall elect to pay fines rather than submit to the private nature of this government inquisition.  The Constitution of the United States grants the government authority to count population—not ask intimate questions about my sex life.  U.S. Code, Title 13, Section 221 states citizens must fully comply with the census or face a $100 fine.  There is also a $500 penalty for giving false information.  Well excuse me Mr. Clinton but you can kiss my country-fried ass!  Go ahead and fine me because I have no intention of providing “Big Brother” with such probing and personal information.  For example, my form asked me to list the characteristics I find desirable in a woman, including bust and hip size.  I was also asked for my astrological sign and to list all my hobbies.  Some of the more personal questions included describing my beliefs about religion and children!  The most outrageous demand was to send a photograph of myself posing in a bathing suit!  F__k that s__t! 

    Semper Fi, 
    G. Rydell 
    Los Gatos, CA 

    The Mooj suspects that you might have inadvertently gotten your census form mixed up with a questioner that was sent to you by the Internet dating service that you are currently subscribing to.  Big Brother may be watching you but it has nothing to do with your dating habits.  (Mostly it's because you belong to NAMBLA, don't pay taxes and keep sending threatening letters to the estate of former California Senator S.I. Hayakowa.) 

    Dear Mooj, 

    I have a confession to make and I don't know who else to turn to (so I guess it's you Great Swamaji Mooj).  A few weeks ago I attended my parish Knights of Columbus prayer breakfast.  During this breakfast my fellow knights and I were discussing visions and miracles.  One particular blowhard—a genuine ass I might point out—told everyone at the gathering that he once spoke with Jesus.  Most of the other knights were pretty inspired by this fool and so when it was my turn to share my story I told a whopper of a lie to out do this other jerk.  I have no idea why I made up such a blasphemous thing but I did.  The following day I was asked by the parish council to repeat my story to the pastor and then the next thing I knew the pastor brought me to the Bishop.  Soon I was telling and retelling this holy fabrication to every Tom, Dick and Harry that asked about it. Finally the pressure became so great that I went to confession and told my pastor that I lied about my vision and he told me to keep my big mouth shut since my parish was collecting lots of money from pilgrims, who were coming to hear my story.  Next month some guy from the Vatican is coming out to talk to me about my so called vision.  What should I do????? 

    The K of C Kid 
    -Somewhere in San Mateo County, CA- 

    The Mooj has no idea what to tell you K of C Kid.  In truth The Mooj doesn't really want to get involved in this sordid affair so I will only tell you to be more careful in the future.  

This week's light hearted story comes to us from Jeffrey Alexander in Chandler, AZ.  I have to warn you....it's pretty messy!  

    Why One Should Never Feed Ham to a Dog  
    When my sister was pregnant with her first child she developed a terrible aversion to ham.  Most pregnant women acquire aversions to one thing or another and for my sister the smell and/or sight of ham made her sick.  At the onset of this condition she had a large slab of leftover Easter ham in her refrigerator and was unable to deal with so she asked her husband to throw it away. He did—sorta.  What he actually did was give it to their dog.  I, myself, never knew this but I guess dogs can't eat ham.  This proved, unfortunately, to be true for my sister’s dog.  Later that day when she returned home from work she unlocked her front door and stepped inside to escape from the blistering summer heat.  Before she even crossed the threshold she knew something was wrong—terribly wrong!  She could smell two retched things in her house and she wasn’t sure which one of the two was making her sicker: the dog crap or the ham.  But it was worse—the smell was a horrible combination of both!  It was then that she discovered the nightmare spread before her: the dog (who was allowed to remain inside all day due to the intense summer heat) had literally covered every square inch of her new carpet with doggie diarrhea – doggie diarrhea that was composed entirely of ham!  She immediately called her husband, who rushed straight home from work to help clean up the unthinkable mess.  They labored in vain to clean the soiled carpets and finally had to call in an emergency carpet cleaning service. Their neighbors, who all witnessed the 11:00 p.m. arrival of the emergency carpet cleaning crew, knew that something was very wrong (and it was).  I guess the moral of the story is don’t feed ham to your dog.
This week's true eerie story comes to us from The Mooj, himself (written many moons ago).  I have to warn you....it's pretty scary! 

    Why One Should Never Anger a Ghost 
    Once, in the small village of Hickory, Maryland lived a fellow named Timothy Allen Groves.  He was an offensive man and had very few friends.  The local church employed this wretch from time-to-time as a grounds keeper, which included digging graves whenever that became necessary. 

    One day a prominent member of the parish named Philip Collins died and Groves was instructed by the pastor to prepare the grave site.  Groves, in his typical fashion, showed up drunk and late for work.  The pastor was very annoyed with Groves (as was he often) and reminded him that Philip Collins’ funeral was early the next morning.  
    After badmouthing the pastor (when out of earshot, of course) Groves took off his coat, draped it over a nearby tombstone and then began haphazardly excavating dirt from the chosen spot.  After an hour or so of exhausting labor Groves sat down and fell asleep.  The grave was barely two feet deep. 

    When Groves awoke he found himself leaning against an old oak tree in the graveyard and it was very, very late.  “Glory be, I must have fallen asleep,” he mumbled to himself as he stumbled to his feet.   He then picked up his spade and resumed digging by the light of the moon.  He dug for another hour or so and then decided to call it quits when he heard the church bell announce the midnight hour. 

    “Glory be!” he said aloud, “’Tis much too late for a gentleman like myself to be out here in this God-forsaken place.” He then climbed out of the hole and tossed the shovel across the yard.  After wiping the sweat from his brow and rubbing his hands on his trousers he picked up his coat and began walking home.  It was then that he sensed that someone was walking behind him.  He quickly turned around and saw a bright figure outlined against the dark woods—it was a ghost
    “Go on, getaway!” yelled Groves (more annoyed than scared). 

    “Where are you going? You haven’t finished your work yet!” said the ghostly figure. 
    “Go away!” said Groves. 

    “I want you to finish digging my grave,” continued the ghost. “I watched you work—you did a terrible job.  That grave is barely 4 foot deep.  Get back there and finish your work!” 
    Groves cursed the ghost and continued walking.  The ghost kept after him: “I say! Finish the job!  I will not be buried in a makeshift grave.” 

    “Rubbish.  Go on, get away from me!” 
    “Listen you scoundrel, get back to work!” said the ghost. 

    “Ha, what can you do to me? Be gone!” 
    “I will not be buried in a shallow grave—get back there and finish your work!” 
    Groves paid the ghost no attention and continued walking.  The ghost then began to address him more gingerly: “I say, good man, perhaps I was a bit on edge before so what do you say?  Can’t you go back and prepare my grave properly?” 
    “Listen, friend, you don’t know me but I’m rather particular about such things and I believe that I could never rest in peace unless my grave was dug properly.  C’mon, good friend, what do you say?” 
    “I said bug-off!” 
    “I say fellah, it’s your job you know—can’t you go back there and finish the job properly?” 
    “Bug off, I said!” 
    The ghost of Philip Collins finally lost his patience and yelled at Groves: “D__n you!  Get back to work you scoundrel!  You were paid good money to dig that grave and you did a shoddy job.  I will not let you get away with this!” 
    However, Tim Groves was a complete imbecile and he didn’t have enough common sense to know that one should never anger a ghost, especially one that was as particular as the late Philip Collins.  Groves ignored the ghost and walked all the way home. 
    The next morning the pastor was enraged—not only had Groves failed to finish the job, he never showed up to fill in the hole after the funeral.  The friends and family of Philip Collins had to finish digging the grave and then fill it in after the body was put to rest.  Groves failed to show up the next day as well—in fact, he was never seen or heard from again!  
    A hundred and fifty years have passed since that day and the tiny village of Hickory, Maryland has now grown substantially.  However, the church and its graveyard are still there and often late at night, I’m told, one can still hear the sounds of a grave digger digging—doomed for eternity to dig under the watchful eye of a fellow ghost—one that is very particular. 

    Poetry At Large.... 
    A few weeks ago you may recall that some clown from Halethorpe, MD sent in a poem about The University of Maryland beating Duke.  Since Maryland was beat by Duke in the ACC divisional playoffs and then got their butts reamed playing UCLA in the big tournament I feel that it is only fair to allow the following poem [submitted by an anonymous disgruntled Duke fan] to appear...  

    Maryland Sucks, Duke Rules! 

    Maryland, Maryland, what more can I say? 
    Duke crushed your sorry ass on ACC tournament day 

    Somehow, someone important must have been insane 
    Because they thought you worthy of a NCAA tournament game 

    Seeded number three you seemed a bit too cocky 
    Then UCLA beat you senseless, like Mr. T. beat Rocky 

    Now you’re finished, humiliated with all you’re glory gone 
    While Duke is in the Sweet Sixteen, still winning, rolling on 

    Somewhere in sleepy Halethorpe, sits The Lonely Donkey Kong 
    He rubs his head in anger and wonders what went wrong 

    More Poetry At Large.... 

    As promised here's a short little ditty about our favorite amateur hockey team, the ICHL's very own Predators.  Please excuse the lack of talent employed writing this verse, I did it while sitting on the toilet after eating a rather bad batch of bananas.. 

    Ode to the Predators (Part II) 

    As the late hour approaches, the Predators take the ice 
    They no longer think of greatness—a close game would be nice 

    They skate with all their glory, their energy and their might 
    But the results are oft repeated, and so typical of their plight 

    If they could only score a goal or perhaps just stop the puck 
    But their ability is limited friends; what’s worse, they truly suck 

    The Ice Centre is quiet now, the game it has expired 
    Their opponents rejoice with victory while the Predators limp off tired 

    They vow to return again next week to give it another go 
    But the ICHL is a man’s league, with no heart for the mentally slow 

Travels with Mooj 

-continued from last week-
   -continued next week-
Generous portions of this week's Travels with Mooj narrative were based on the works of Dick Joltes and Bradley Keys.

Closing Thoughts 

Well chumps, all I can say is see you in another week to ten days.  Hugs and kisses to all my friends and family out there, especially my two new minion nieces.